system evaluation frameworks

decide wit confidence

trusted analytics

In addition, most tools are fundamentally backward-looking and provide decision-makers with only high-level summaries without access to the underlying data.

Event Based Planning (EBP) automated through iRIS harnesses the power of a robust relational database management system to transform your live data into actionable insight. Using innovative data analytic techniques, the iRIS Developmental Evaluation Framework (DEF) will focus engineers on key system requirements and reduce massive amounts of data to provide program leadership with the right information needed to make sound project decisions.  Download our DEF white paper.


  • Provides the ability to efficiently define test strategies, at all levels of system development and gives leadership the continuous feedback needed to make sound program decisions.

  • Progress-to-plan can be used to assess decision venue timing or support an incremental decision process by providing evidence to justify actions and reduce risk in support of decision making.

  • Project Management can link technical evaluation objectives that inform decisions to program performance, in addition to schedule and budget tracking.

Compiling the right data required to inform critical system decisions in an accurate and timely manner can be labor intensive for a project using traditional methods (ie, disconnected databases and spreadsheets). Using outdated tools to perform these activities is often expensive and time-consuming to implement since they require user customization out of the box.